House Painting Melbourne
Interior and Exterior Painting Service in Brunswick
Melbourne Painters are an experienced team of Brunswick painters, providing a reliable commercial or residential painting service in the Brunswick.
Are you looking for a painter in Brunswick area?
Amazing painting, from amazing painters. Trust, devotion and efficiency is what we strive to achieve on each painting project. Whether it is a mould removal project to a full house painting restoration, Melbourne Painters always ensures proper preparation. Good and accurate preparation is vital for painting projects as communication with the client and decision making is half the job.
We offer a wide range of services that include:
● Heritage Maintenance
● Wall Paper removals
● Timber repairs
● Plaster repairs
● Painting Restorations
● Exterior Painting Projects
● Interior Painting Projects
● Commercial Painting
About Melbourne Painters
Established in 1997, Melbourne Painters is an experienced painting team of qualified tradespeople, with experience spanning from ten years right through to over thirty years. We specialise in high quality residential painting, and over the years we have developed a strong passion for uncompromised, high quality workmanship. Our primary aim is to support the dying art of fine painting, as these techniques can be so hard to come by in this day and age. We have found that by honouring these principles, we are able to better focus on achieving a personalised customer relationship.
Call Us Today
So if you are located in the area of Brunswick, contact us for a quote for you painting job.